- Python ARM Radar Toolkit: Page, Github, Examples, Notebooks
- NEXRAD on AWS: Page, Notebook(blog post), Notebook, CartoDB
- Jonathan Helmus Presentations
- Exploring Open Access Weather Radar with the Python ARM Toolkit (notebook, video) SciPy 2015
- Designing and implementing weather radar algorithms in Python (pdf, video) Jan 2015
- Tools and Techniques for Developing Atmospheric Python Software: Insight from the Python ARM Radar Toolkit (pdf, video) Feb 2014
- Open Source Radar Short Course(Sept 2015): Page, Notebooks
- Open Radar Short Course 2014: notebooks
- ARM-DOE Notebooks
- Scott Collis
- Github: notebooks
- OpenRadar: Page, VM
- EVS-ATMOS: Radar in the Cloud (AWS+StarCluster)
- Baltrad: Page, git, user’s guide, cookbook, short course
- Open Source Paper: DOI, pdf
- Scientific Programming in Python for Atmospheric Sciences and Climatology: Notebooks
- Wradlib: page, docs, short course, baltrad2wradlib
- Nansat: github
- Sentinel Toolboxes
- MIT SAR Short Course: python, github-python
- RIT SAR: github
- LROSE: Page, Software, Video on PyArt and LRose(slides), Paper(poster)
- SoloPy radar display: github
- RSL: page