- OSGeo (github, website)
- GDAL (github, website)
- QGIS (org github, software github, website, twitter)
- PyQGIS Cookbook
- apt-get install qgis qgis-plugin-grass
- OSGeoLive (bootable usb, dvd, vm) (website, presentation, github)
- Geospatial Python (github, website)
- pyshp (github)
- windows binary or winpython install: pip install pyshp
- Toblerity (website, github)
- Fiona (github, docs, examples, windows binary)
- manually install six, cligj, munch, argparse, and ordereddict on windows
- pip install will get these for you on other systems
- Installation for winpython
- Shapely (github, manual, windows binary)
- Installation for winpython
- Wraps GEOS C++
- Fiona (github, docs, examples, windows binary)
- Mapbox (github, website)
- Rasterio (github) (needs gdal)
- Laspy (github, docs)
- PySAL (Python Spatial Analysis Library) (Homepage)
- NetworkX (homepage, wikipedia)
- GeoPandas (github, docs, docs2)
- osmgraph (Create NetworkX graphs from OpenStreetMap data) (github)
- OSMnx (Create NetworkX graphs from OpenStreetMap data)
- python-s2g (S)hapefile (2) Graph/network converter in Python (github)
- Dimensionally Extended nine-Intersection Model (DE-9IM)
- OSGeo list of Docker images
- Docker container for QGIS models (github, dockerhub)
- can use with OSGeoLive
- Plotting 3D Polygons in matplotlib (site)
- Read and plot 2D shapefile with matplotlib (site)
- Extract 3D points from shapefile (site)
- PyShp and Shapely for modifying and writing shapefiles (site)
- Add field to existing shapefile (site)
- AlphaShapes at HumanGeo/DigitalGlobe (site, github, alphashapes, wikipedia, stackoverflow, dionysus and ex, plotly, frenchex)
- NetworkX graph example
- Read and write shapefiles using NetworkX (doc)
- Drawing nodes with lat, lon coordinates using NetworkX (site)
- My github examples
- GeoPython – AutoGIS 2016 at University of Helsinki (webpage)
- Geographic Data Science with PySAL and the pydata stack Beginner | SciPy 2016 | Sergio Rey (youtube, github, page)